27.52 mi Straight Distance
42.57 mi Driving Distance
43 minutes Estimated Driving Time
The straight distance between South Kirkby and Moorthorpe (England) and Scunthorpe (England) is 27.52 mi, but the driving distance is 42.57 mi.
It takes to go from South Kirkby and Moorthorpe to Scunthorpe.
Driving directions from South Kirkby and Moorthorpe to Scunthorpe
Straight distance: 44.29 km. Route distance: 68.49 km
Latitude: 53.5941 // Longitude: -1.32552
Predicción: Light rain
Temperatura: 6.9°
Humedad: 92%
Hora actual: 05:57 PM
Amanece: 08:09 AM
Anochece: 03:45 PM
Latitude: 53.5886 // Longitude: -0.654413
Predicción: Light rain
Temperatura: 7.1°
Humedad: 86%
Hora actual: 05:57 PM
Amanece: 08:06 AM
Anochece: 03:43 PM