Distance between Green pin with letter A Seaforde and Red pin with letter B Rathfriland

13.79 mi Straight Distance

15.86 mi Driving Distance

20 minutes Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Seaforde (Northern Ireland) and Rathfriland (Northern Ireland) is 13.79 mi, but the driving distance is 15.86 mi.

It takes to go from Seaforde to Rathfriland.

Driving directions from Seaforde to Rathfriland

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 22.19 km.      Route distance: 25.52 km

Seaforde, United Kingdom

Latitude: 54.3071 // Longitude: -5.84162

Photos of Seaforde

Dundrum Bar Mouth at Sunrise from Dundrum Castle Mourne Mountains from Dundrum Inner Bay near Ardilea Dundrum Harbour Loughinisland Old Churches Ardilea Bridge near Dundrum Mountpanther House near Dundrum County Down Mountpanther House Dundrum County Down

Seaforde Weather

broken clouds

Predicción: Broken clouds
Temperatura: 5.8°
Humedad: 72%

Hora actual: 06:43 PM
Amanece: 08:31 AM
Anochece: 03:59 PM

Rathfriland, United Kingdom

Latitude: 54.2379 // Longitude: -6.1622

Photos of Rathfriland

Mountains Knock Iveagh Panorama View over Hilltown Hilltown, Northern Ireland, Velká Británie Rathfriland Countryside Snowscape Crop Markings of Leveled Ringfort Drumgreenagh - Rathfriland - Co. Down - Northern Ireland

Rathfriland Weather

scattered clouds

Predicción: Scattered clouds
Temperatura: 3.3°
Humedad: 83%

Hora actual: 06:43 PM
Amanece: 08:32 AM
Anochece: 04:01 PM