Distance between Green pin with letter A Portavogie and Red pin with letter B Moneyreagh

16.05 mi Straight Distance

23.98 mi Driving Distance

32 minutes Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Portavogie (Northern Ireland) and Moneyreagh (Northern Ireland) is 16.05 mi, but the driving distance is 23.98 mi.

It takes 44 mins to go from Portavogie to Moneyreagh.

Driving directions from Portavogie to Moneyreagh

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 25.82 km.      Route distance: 38.58 km

Portavogie, United Kingdom

Latitude: 54.4621 // Longitude: -5.44743

Photos of Portavogie

Portavogie Harbour - Co Down - N.Ireland South Rock Light House Glastry Presbyterian church trackday Cloughey Lifeboat Memorial Poppies Cloughey Bay The duck pond Glastry County Down N; Ireland shore near Portavogie

Portavogie Weather

overcast clouds

Predicción: Overcast clouds
Temperatura: 8.0°
Humedad: 63%

Hora actual: 07:41 PM
Amanece: 08:30 AM
Anochece: 03:57 PM

Moneyreagh, United Kingdom

Latitude: 54.5325 // Longitude: -5.82862

Photos of Moneyreagh

Parliament Buildings at Stormont A view of Belfast from the Middle Braniel Road Snowy Scrabo View over Braniel Belfast City Castlereagh Road, Belfast 36th Ulster Division wall mural

Moneyreagh Weather

overcast clouds

Predicción: Overcast clouds
Temperatura: 7.5°
Humedad: 73%

Hora actual: 07:41 PM
Amanece: 08:32 AM
Anochece: 03:58 PM