Distance between Green pin with letter A Livingston and Red pin with letter B Johnstone

38.85 mi Straight Distance

43.66 mi Driving Distance

43 minutes Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Livingston (Scotland) and Johnstone (Scotland) is 38.85 mi, but the driving distance is 43.66 mi.

It takes to go from Livingston to Johnstone.

Driving directions from Livingston to Johnstone

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 62.52 km.      Route distance: 70.25 km

Livingston, United Kingdom

Latitude: 55.9007 // Longitude: -3.51807

Photos of Livingston

Near Edinburgh 1993...© by leo1383 Calderwood Autumn Scene Bangour  Village Hospital Bankton House Hotel Deer Park Roundabout Livingston Weir at Mid Calder Almond Viaduct Macdonald Houstoun House

Livingston Weather

broken clouds

Predicción: Broken clouds
Temperatura: 6.0°
Humedad: 79%

Hora actual: 06:42 PM
Amanece: 08:31 AM
Anochece: 03:40 PM

Johnstone, United Kingdom

Latitude: 55.8373 // Longitude: -4.51392

Photos of Johnstone

Same Every Year! A Fall of Snow ! Traffic Halts :(  BATHING HERE! is LADIES ONLY! Final Approach, aircraft landing at Glasgow Airport seen from Gleniffer braes Wee Chapel on the Hill. Unneeded Railway Bridges. Foggy Mid-Winter Sunset. Do Not Get Stuck. Living with Nature.

Johnstone Weather

broken clouds

Predicción: Broken clouds
Temperatura: 5.9°
Humedad: 74%

Hora actual: 06:42 PM
Amanece: 08:35 AM
Anochece: 03:45 PM