Distance between Green pin with letter A Bridgnorth and Red pin with letter B Barrow-in-Furness

113.62 mi Straight Distance

174.73 mi Driving Distance

2 hours 49 mins Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Bridgnorth (England) and Barrow-in-Furness (England) is 113.62 mi, but the driving distance is 174.73 mi.

It takes to go from Bridgnorth to Barrow-in-Furness.

Driving directions from Bridgnorth to Barrow-in-Furness

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 182.81 km.      Route distance: 281.15 km

Bridgnorth, United Kingdom

Latitude: 52.5345 // Longitude: -2.42455

Photos of Bridgnorth

Caves at The Hermitage near Bridgnorth Bridge over River Severn at Bridgnorth Fishing Pools at The Boldings SVR Footplate Experience Severn Valley Railway 45110 Steam up at Bridgnorth Bridgenorth,s answer to Pisa. River Severn from the Cliff Railway

Bridgnorth Weather

scattered clouds

Predicción: Scattered clouds
Temperatura: 3.0°
Humedad: 93%

Hora actual: 02:59 AM
Amanece: 07:28 AM
Anochece: 04:19 PM

Barrow-in-Furness, United Kingdom

Latitude: 54.109 // Longitude: -3.21889

Photos of Barrow-in-Furness

Pomnik Ludzi Pracy Gas Rig from Walney Island Barrow-in-Furness sub shed Barrow from the air Pillbox S0015727 Consol Shelter (1) Pillbox S0016486 Roa Island

Barrow-in-Furness Weather

broken clouds

Predicción: Broken clouds
Temperatura: 4.4°
Humedad: 80%

Hora actual: 02:59 AM
Amanece: 07:37 AM
Anochece: 04:16 PM